
12 Seedbed Collectives Posts You May Have Missed This Week

12 Seedbed Collectives Posts You May Have Missed This Week

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The Wake-Up Call is a daily encouragement to shake off the slumber of our busy lives and turn our eyes toward Jesus.

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Worship Design Collective

1) Why We Need to Lie in Church

Are our worship songs like our Instagram filters, helping us express ourselves in a manner that is, well, better than we truly are? Are these songs that may be true of Charles Wesley or the Torwalts but are way beyond our level of spiritual maturity or commitment? Maybe. Probably.

2) Becoming More Than A Worship Leader

Being a worship leader is first and foremost about being a disciple, or follower, of Jesus. And no follower of Jesus stays the same for very long. Following Jesus is as much about who we are becoming as it is what we are doing. This is the call.

3) Dear Senior Pastor of Any Church

It’s not to say that the Senior Pastor is the end-all-be-all in every church, but you are the appointed shepherd and your congregation is likely to value what you value. Your role is a high calling and I’m sure you are thankful for those specialized pastors who serve alongside you.

Youth Ministry Collective

1) Celebrating Diversity

Challenges are par for the course in a diverse church, figuring out how to form community and follow Jesus together. But mostly, I have found, there is a deep and rich joy that comes from unity in diversity. These challenges are worth it.

2) Four Tips for Future Planning

It seems like summer just ended, and now I do really need to be thinking ahead to next summer. There really is an art to making a summer plan that helps everyone grow in their faith, but not stressing the family (yours included) by having a crazy schedule.

3) Helpful Websites for Youth Ministry (Episode 38)

Find out what websites are helpful for youth ministry! Click here to subscribe via iTunes.

Soul Care Collective

1) The Weekly Breather: Calming the Soul

The Holy Spirit continually invites us into mini-Sabbath experiences and offers us a rhythm of breathing and being that will not only reveal the longings of our hearts, but satisfy the deepest of them. This week’s practical exercise is about Calming the Soul.

2) Book of the Month – Truth Therapy: Renewing Your Mind with the Word of God

The Soul Care Collective unveils a new Book-of-the-Month Review. On the first Wednesday of each month, one of our authors will review a book that has impacted them or equipped them to better care for themselves and others. Our very first review comes from Patricia Taylor, our managing editor, who reviews a book about how the Word of God can literally change the physiological landscape of your mind.

3) How Can I Get Help if I Don’t Know It Was Abuse?

How can you get help for a problem you are not aware of? Today’s post focuses on sexual abuse victims who don’t realize that what happened to them actually was abuse. There is a great need to acknowledge various forms of sexual abuse and how they affect the souls of the ones who were abused.

Preaching Collective

1) Leading Change Through Preaching

While renewing our minds is essential to transformation, our preaching and teaching may not stop with conveying information. Inspiring action is a must. Here are five insights from effective change leadership that also apply to effective preaching.

2) How Long Does It Take to Write a Sermon

Preaching is the most visible aspect of pastoral ministry, and sermon preparation is a focal point of a preaching pastor’s week. In my own ministry, sermon preparation takes a lot of time and energy. As a preacher I have occasionally wondered how much time other pastors spend preparing their sermons.

3) Labor Day

Because this holiday has become such a beloved one for many people, there is increasing pressure to bring this secular holiday into the church during Labor Day weekend. People may come to church expecting a sermon glorifying the American Dream and celebrating how hard work created our nation.


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