
12 Seedbed Collectives Posts You May Have Missed This Week

12 Seedbed Collectives Posts You May Have Missed This Week

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Worship Design Collective

1)Music and the Missionary: A Lesson in Context

As much as I believe content to be of the utmost importance in worship, I cannot ignore the fact that context is also crucial. At a basic level, context is how content makes sense. Good theological content is often fruitless without considering the cultural context.

2)Unplugged: What is the Substance of Your Worship?

What would worshipping “unplugged” this Sunday expose about those things on which we depend for worship? I recently asked worship leaders from around the nation to consider this question.

3)How to Create a Chord Chart Your Team Will Love

Think of the chord chart as a road map. The better the map, the more likely that people arrive at the destination. Six years ago a drummer I led worship with pulled me aside and shared some tips that I’ve incorporated into my chord chart creation from that time onward.

Youth Ministry Collective

1)Ministering to Over Scheduled Teens (Episode 43)

Find out some realistic expectations for reaching students who are already spread thin and not making them feel guilty for missing events.

2)The Whole Zombie Package (Studies and Events)

October means time is ripe for an all out Zombie invasion of the youth ministry, or at least a couple Bible studies and maybe a special event. We have the whole package here. Three thoroughly Wesleyan lessons by Jason Scott on Prevenient Justifying and Sanctifying grace put in Zombieriffic terms, and a special Zombie event that our students love. Enjoy.

3)Does God Have a Plan for Me?

There are many stages in life when we would really like to be able to look ahead and know the twists and turns life will take. Adults start asking “What do you want to be?” or “What do you plan to do with your life?” For those active in the church whether in youth groups or more, God would seem to be the best place to find the answers. This is true… up to a point.

Soul Care Collective

1)On Being a Dad

What do children really need from their dads? Chuck Butler shares touching wisdom on being a dad: both in terms of what his children have needed from him and what they have done for him.

2)Book of the Month: The Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen

Henri Nouwen’s book suggests that solitude and silence are two integral parts of unceasing prayer. Kathy Milans reviews this important writing on the desert fathers and their lives of communion with God.

3)The Weekly Breather: Running from Rest

“When we are perpetually tired, it is hard to find peace in our body, mind, and spirit. The longer we go without rest, the harder it is to enter into it. We can become like little children who, despite crankiness and fatigue, resist taking a nap.” This week, Laura Beach provides a mini-retreat to help us enter into that much-needed rest.

Preaching Collective

1)The Inner Life of a Preacher

Until I discovered the difference between preaching without attending to my inner life and preaching as one who did, my sermons were rote, facile, and dry.

2)No Clowns Needed: 5 Suggestions for Preaching Intergenerational Sermons

Preaching intergenerationally, to several different age levels, can seem overwhelming and difficult. Before you hire clowns, I would like to invite you to think differently about intergenerational preaching and suggest that you do not have to “dumb” down or change your preaching style to reach the different age groups in your congregations.

3)8 Great Preaching Themes in the Movie, The Martian

I went to see the movie, The Martian, last night to just relax and not think of “church related things” but my mission failed. The entire movie is filled with so many great preaching illustrations that I can’t get the film and it’s many themes off my mind.


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