On Castration and Church Plant Volunteers
Two of my passions are church planting and early church history, so when I’m not dreaming about future approaches to carrying out the mission of the church I’m usually slogging my way through a book
Two of my passions are church planting and early church history, so when I’m not dreaming about future approaches to carrying out the mission of the church I’m usually slogging my way through a book
Everybody has times when they agree to do something they don’t really want to do. Kevin Kinghorn discusses the issue of doing things with a grudging heart.
A word from our editor: Thank you so much for your faithfulness in engaging with our content. As we roll out our fresh new website, we would like to take a moment to extend to you a special invitation!
What is a New Testament apostle? The definition of the word means sent one, or messenger. Watch today’s Seven Minute Seminary by Dr. Ben Witherington III as he explains the marks of a biblical apostle.
Leadership and administrative practices are crucial to spiritual movements. John Wesley’s gift of administration provided the framework that allowed the Methodists to sustain their growth.1 Referring to Wesley as a “truly inspired administrator,” Charles Bryant
If I can be honest enough to admit who I am not at the core of my being, I’ll be well on the way to finding out who I really am: which is a gift.