Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.
Jesus, I belong to you.
I lift up my heart to you.
I set my mind on you.
I fix my eyes on you.
I offer my body to you as a living sacrifice.
Jesus, we belong to you.
Praying in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Exodus 2:11–15
One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?”
The man said, “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid and thought, “What I did must have become known.”
When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (55:8–9)
The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?”
The man said, “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?”
When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well.
He sat down by a well.
Lord Jesus, you are my Deliverer.
I hear you decree a season of exodus over me, over my family, and my church.
I receive it. And as you decree it, I declare it.
I receive your deliverance from my broken ways into the higher and better ways of God.
I receive your deliverance from a wasteland of lostness into the wilderness of new life.
Jesus, lead me to the deeper well of the Holy Spirit today. I thirst for Living Water.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end, amen! Amen!
Have you ever done what you understood to be the will of God yet not in the ways of God? What happened? How did that go? Are you experiencing a wasteland of lostness becoming a wilderness of purpose? Ask Jesus to meet you at a God-well today.
Today we will sing “Lord, Speak to Me” (hymn 439) from our Seedbed hymnal, Our Great Redeemer’s Praise. Get your copy here.
For the Awakening,
J. D. Walt
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ATTN: ARE YOU A PASTOR OR CHURCH STAFF LEADER? I’d like to be in touch if you are willing. Click here.
5 Responses
I believe that as Christ-followers we will all occasionally experience the wilderness. In my opinion, it’s a form of the crucible of life where the dross of our sin nature is purged away. And it may not always occur as a result of a bad action on our part, either. See Jesus’s being led into the wilderness after his baptism as an example. I believe that because we humans have an inherited bent towards taking the easy route and an inclination towards avoidance of suffering, we should expect to encounter wilderness experience’s in order to achieve progressive sanctification. And no, it’s not pleasant while it’s happening, but in retrospect, it was worth it.
Amen, brother Bob.
Thank you for being open to the Holy Spirit’s leading–even in the chorus we sang today! Also, thank you for the connection of well to wellness. So much to think and pray about today.
Powerful – love the difference between will of God and ways of God!!! Coming to new Room Excited!
JD: what a great 4-5 week series for an adult Sunday School class: “Wells, Turning Points”…… When I volunteered to teach my class 7 years ago I was most concerned about where my lessons would come from; one of my pastors (an Asbury guy) pointed me to Seedbed. Ephesians 3: 20 “to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think”…..Thank you.