“God’s command to ‘pray without ceasing’ is founded on the necessity we have of his grace to preserve the life of God in the soul, which can no more subsist one moment without it, than the body can without air.”
~From A Plain Account of Christian Perfection, as believed and taught by the Reverend Mr. John Wesley, from the year 1725, to the year 1777.
Prayer is at the very heart of building our relationship with God. It has taken many forms throughout the centuries. Silent, group, responsive, and intercessory prayers are all varying types that Christians have practiced. Today, it is a pleasure to share with you a new type of prayer, motion prayers. These are videos set to music that allow the viewer to experience a prayer in a very unique way. Viewers can read along as the camera sweeps from phrase to phrase, expressing the journey that one’s soul takes as they grow closer in relationship to God.
Feel free to use these videos in your own congregation or group Bible studies. They may work perfectly to fill in the gaps of worship during communion or as an introductory video as people are finding their seats before the start of a service. These videos are released under a Creative Commons license, so feel free to use these for whatever purposes that will help you sow for a great awakening.
Prayer for Justice
Prayer for Holiness
Prayer of Gladness
Prayer of Thanksgiving (II)
Prayer for Guidance
Prayer of Praise
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Prayer of Hope
Prayer for Strength