
New Online Resource, Hope Changes

New Online Resource, Hope Changes

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In an effort to connect people in the midst of emotional struggles to the hope found in God’s Word and to help them know they are not alone, Northland Church and the American Bible Society, have teamed up to provide a new online resource.

Hope Changes, their recently launched website, combines the power of truth and a focus on God’s nature with dynamic, personal stories. On each of eight topic pages addressing addiction, anger, depression, disappointment, doubt, fear, grief and guilt, end-users can uncover insights about their own condition and receive help to look beyond their present circumstances to the hope that is there.

Exit pages designed for each topic give users further options to find a local counselor, gain further insight through a series of pastoral counselor video clips, find additional printed and online resources, join a live worship service online and more. The site is equally useful to those dealing personally with these issues, as well as those who are in relationship with or caring for someone with these difficulties.

For hundreds of years the American Bible Society has devoted all its energies and means to give people around the world opportunities for Scripture engagement. Recently, in an effort to create an online tool using one of their most popular and helpful resources, God Understands, they partnered with Northland Church to create something more experiential.

The end result is one that will draw you in as it brings to life the trials of individuals in a way that can break down isolation with the freedom of truth.

This is a great resource to bookmark!


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