Texting and Youth Ministry (Episode 12)
Communicating with students can be difficult! Find out how some Youth Ministers are using texting as a way to connect with students and parents. Click here to subscribe via iTunes.
Communicating with students can be difficult! Find out how some Youth Ministers are using texting as a way to connect with students and parents. Click here to subscribe via iTunes.
Communion is a powerful reminder of God’s unconditional love for us and his call to repent and believe the good news of Jesus Christ. Every time I serve communion I am reminded of our frailty and our desperate need for God’s grace.
Medical personnel and fitness experts have determined that certain values are crucial to continuing health, or improving health (x number of steps per day, certain heart rate to burn fat/calories, certain number of hours of sleep per night, and so forth). The thinking is that if we track it, then we build better health habits and make better health choices. Why don’t we do this with our faith?
Selecting the right leader will not only reduce the costs and risks of a new leader failing, but can help the organization become more competitive and effective. One way to think about context is person-organization fit in the form of value congruence, the alignment of an individual’s values and the values of the organization.
The other evening, my husband watched our two-year-old and cooked dinner so that I could lounge in bed and watch Netflix. I wasn’t sick. I wasn’t stressed. I wasn’t threatening an if-you-don’t-help-out-now-I’m-gonna-lose-it melt down. And, without divulging the details of our personal life, on this particular night I know he had no ulterior motives. He was simply being—kind.