Join the Seed Team!
Seedbed is a mission. Seedbed has a business.
So where does fundraising come in,
and what happens to those funds?
For starters, we don’t see ourselves as “raising funds.” We receive funds. We share opportunities and vision. God brings provision through the generous giving of our Seed Team.
We receive those funds and convert them into all manner of seeds for all manner of sowing. And mind you, this is extravagant sowing. As noted, Seedbed sells resources, but we give away far more in resourcing than we sell. Our business is efficient. Our mission is extravagant. For instance, Wake-Up Call is given away. Discipleship Bands resources are given away. Scholarships for courses are given away. Many New Room tickets are given away or are otherwise subsidized in scholarship. Many of our gatherings, online and otherwise, are offered at no cost to participants.
This is how Jesus’ kingdom works. Many people freely receive from Jesus through Seedbed. Many then freely give back to Jesus through Seedbed. We freely receive those gifts, and we turn around and give more away.
When you give to Jesus through Seedbed, your gifts are actually expanding the mission of extravagant sowing into new fields and extending the work of sowing for great awakening far beyond anything the few people on our team could do.
Recurring Gifts
Recurring gifts are a big deal to us. The ability to anticipate your generosity helps us better plan ours. If you’re so moved, we’d be grateful for an ongoing monthly or annual donation.
Key initiatives like Wake-Up Call, Discipleship Bands, resources like the Awakening Library, and certain courses aren’t possible without your ongoing partnership.
We need the support of those who share our belief in the power of God’s love to awaken and transform this world. Please consider joining us on this mission to sow the love of Jesus in hearts, homes, churches, and cities across our country and throughout the world.
Sponsor theWake-Up Call!
We send the Wake-Up Call at no cost to anyone, but we do offer the chance for people to invest in the seed, the sowing, and the growing of this ministry. Here are two ways to support:
· 1 ·
It costs us $300 per day to sow a fully developed, technologically platformed, and Holy Spirit-scattered daily seed post. We're looking for friends who will sponsor one day of the Wake-Up Call.
· 2 ·
It costs about $75 to bring 35 new members into the community. Our goal is not simply to add more readers, but to equip future sowers. Our true aim is to help people grow from their initial awakening to becoming fully alive agents of Jesus, sowing God’s love across hearts, homes, churches and cities.
So I ask you, would you make a gift to fund this work of sowing for a great awakening?
Far from a mere daily devotion, the Wake-Up Call is an invitation into a comprehensive awakening journey. I’m sure you agree that we need it more than ever before.
Some words from Wake-Up Call readers...
“This is how I see our Wake Up Call scripture adventures: ‘The Scriptures are shallow enough for a babe to come and drink without fear of drowning and deep enough for theologians to swim in without ever touching the bottom’ —St. Jerome”
“As a small example of what this devotional has done for me, the Wake Up Call has given me new, life-changing insight into my prayer life and Bible reading, which I will always be thankful for.”
“I love the writers’ depth, knowledge, inspiration, and humor (JD). It’s daily food for my soul and thoughts.”
“The Wake Up Call has given me new insight into familiar scriptures.”
“The Wake Up Call always challenges me to draw closer to the Lord by digging deeper into His Word.”
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I give by check?
You can make your check out to “Seedbed.” In the memo line, write “Donation” followed by the campaign you would like to support (e.g. “Donation: New Room” or “Donation: Wake-Up Call”). If you would like your gift to support the general Seedbed Great Awakening Fund, you can simply write “Donation.”
Mail the check to the following address:
Seedbed, Inc.
415 Bridge St.
Franklin, TN 37064
Can I give through a Donor Advised Fund?
Yes! Our EIN is 86-3295151. If you have any questions about this process, please contact us via e-mail and we’ll be in touch.
Can I give a gift via stock?
Yes! Please e-mail us for instructions.
Get the Wake-Up Call!
The biggest fellowship in our community is the tens of thousands who gather together each morning around what we refer to as our Wake-Up Call: A short scripture, a reflection, a prayer, and some questions to meditate on throughout the day.
We invite you to join us!