
Article Archives

Day: November 11, 2015

Lock Them In and Send Them Out

Are you looking for the perfect event to close out the year? The lock in is the most fearsome event for every youth pastor, but Caroline Hare offers awesome tips that will not only help you survive, but make your next lock in the best event ever!

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Advent Series Idea: The Unbroken Chain

All too often, we skip over all the “begats” in Scripture when we preach. They can be vitally important in telling the whole story, though. Here, we give a sermon series idea for Advent, based on all those begats.

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How to Avoid the Entitlement Trap

How can we avoid the entitlement trap and raise our children without it? Heather Butler offers insight into the way we can begin rearing children without a mentality that the world owes them something.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Why God's Grace Is So Radical

The truth is that grace, or gift, was not a concept unique to the Christian faith in the first century. In fact, even pagan religion afforded grace a role in the relationship between the gods and their followers. What makes the grace of the Christian gospel unique? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. John Barclay explains that it’s the nature of the recipients—us—that is so telling about the grace of God in Jesus Christ.

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Plant a Church; Have a Baby

Maybe it sounds crazy, but it’s true! Bryan Collier explains how one of the most instructive church planting experiences he has had is to birth a child while he was birthing a new church start.

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