
Article Archives

Day: February 10, 2016

The Wesleyan Pattern of Prayer and Fasting

This isn’t just a “Lent” thing; it’s a “regular Christian practice” thing; but Lent is a great time to begin. Our world desperately needs the healing, hope, and salvation offered in Jesus Christ. You can become part of this important movement by joining us as we fast and pray weekly for Holy Spirit power to share the good news so that the world may know Jesus Christ.

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Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ Blood, Ash, Tears: The Ashiest of Days

Oh, God, love – it hurts. It hurts to want to be loved. It hurts to refuse or betray love. It hurts to lose love. And the pastor or priest bending with blackened thumb and murmuring says, I see your pain. It is recognized. Today others will see it too. You have a chance. Love Made Flesh bleeds for you.

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3 Pros and Cons of Bivocational Church Planting

The apostle Paul was a bi-vocational church planter, so shouldn’t everyone else interested in church planting today, also? In today’s article, Rosario Picardo shares 3 pros and cons of this approach, with the hope that this helps us reflect on how mainline denominations in the United States can produce thriving, healthy churches once again.

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What is Lent Anyway (and Why Should I Care)?

We often pretend that we know what is going on in the life of the church, but somewhere deep inside, we are wondering what in the world Lent is anyway! Patricia Taylor explains what this season of the church is, and why our souls desperately need what Lent has to offer.

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Lent Re-orients Us to the Gospel

Lent, which begins roughly 40 days before Easter, can be a time of spiritual sojourn and reorientation to Christ. Watch this Seven Minute Seminary video from Dr. Winfield Bevins for an introduction to the spiritual disciplines commonly practiced during Lent.

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It’s Ash Wednesday Again

  February 10, 2016 Genesis 3:19b “For you are dust, And to dust you shall return.” CONSIDER THIS It’s Ash Wednesday again. It’s that day when we are inescapably brought face to face with our

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