
Article Archives

Author: Anna Grace Legband

Now or Later?

The joy and peace available to us are not just pacifiers until Jesus returns. They are eternal realities brought into the temporal realm.

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Bread and Seed

God’s Word puts something in our mouths and something in our hands at the same time. Its not an either-or scenario but a both-and reality.

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It’s Time to Respond

We are told not just to seek God, but to call on him. While calling on the Lord can look like “come near,” it can also look like saying “help.”

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Listen to Me!

Listening is an active process that brings what is heard to our attention. We are always hearing, but not always listening.

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An Invitation

God is clearly the initiator, but the invitation list is exclusive: it is an invitation to the thirsty, to the ones with no money, the ones who are desperate. 

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