Online Advent Resources for Every Personality
Looking for just the right Advent devotional or resource? Worship Design Collective shares a list of helpful resources for every type of personality!
Looking for just the right Advent devotional or resource? Worship Design Collective shares a list of helpful resources for every type of personality!
How can we include a more holistic worship experience for our congregations? Shannon Sigler shares how to incorporate the visual arts in worship.
How do you lead a divided congregation into worship? Shannon Sigler shares helpful tips on leading worship in post-election tension.
We are seeing a resurgence in the use of visual arts in worship. Shannon Sigler shares some tips for incorporating it into your service.
Reading keeps our minds sharp and helps us stay current in our understanding of our mission. Shannon Sigler shares some recommended reading for worship, culture, and the arts.
Sometimes we all struggle in planning worship for one reason or another. Shannon Sigler shares how the artistic ones in your congregation can be an invaluable help when you are stuck.
I challenge you today to find hope in the common language of the liturgy, and in the common calling to creativity. Sometimes we are called to go. Sometimes we are called to stay. But I believe we are all called to speak with creative language. After all, in the beginning was the Word.
In case you haven’t noticed already, we just launched our new Worship Design Collective. Join Matthew and Shannon Sigler as they lead a new network in hopes that the Triune God would bring renewal in our congregations’ worship.
Our experiences in corporate worship sculpt not only our understanding of the Triune God, but also our capacity as image bearers of the Creator. Our prayer is that the Triune God would use this community to bring renewal in your congregation’s worship. We hope you’ll join the fellowship as we pray and share together resources for worship design.
When charismatic worship moved into mainline churches, in many cases it left behind the theology out of which in came, creating dissonance. And for those unwilling to ask questions, this dissonance was magnified. When encountering the unfamiliar, the chaotic or vague, ridicule emerges as a primary coping tactic.
In this article, Shannon Sigler looks to the Wesley brothers for the example they set in using technology for the furthering of the Methodist movement, and ultimately, for the formation and sanctification of their people. She also highlights several online Wesleyan resources.
Wesleyans, ideally, pursue a balanced faith and life – valuing both logical thought and emotive experience. A community thirsts in many ways, and people are poor in more ways than a need literal food, clothing, and shelter. The giftings of our entire community are needed to fulfill Christ’s call, and to contribute to the welfare of each person.