Advent and the Family Story of Jesus
We all come from someone, somewhere, and something—a people, a place, and a story. So does Jesus.
In Roots: Advent and the Family Story of Jesus, we rediscover that Jesus—born naturally of a mother from a family line herself, and nurtured by a father who knew the names of his own kin many generations into the past (Matthew 1:1–17)—comes from the family vine of the great King David, the son of Jesse, and from a long line of faithful men and women.
We will draw from both Jesus’ genealogical ancestry and his faith heritage, as we walk together on a journey through the stories of saints and sinners woven into the family line of the Son of God.
Meet the Author
DAN WILT is an author, communicator, pastor, and practitioner who writes on the topics of worship, the Holy Spirit, and following Jesus.With roots in the Vineyard stream of churches, Dan has served the development of disciples internationally through his speaking and resources. Dan is part of the Seedbed farm team and lives inThompson’s Station, Tennessee.