
The Cartography of Awakening

The Cartography of Awakening

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Hebrews 1:1–3 (NIV)

In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.


Let’s begin where we ended yesterday—with the two overlapping circles diagram. I call this the Cartography of Awakening. We are making a map of sorts. I am always leary of “end of the world” charts with their timetables, but I find broad conceptual maps helpful. We are crafting a conceptual map not of place but of time itself here. Remember the orienting question: When are we? 

In case you missed yesterday, draw two large circles side by side and overlapping by around half. In the left circle write the words, “Present Age,” and in the right circle write, “Age to Come.” Okay, in the overlap write the word, “Now.” 

We are alive in the overlap of the present age and the age to come. This is signified by an all at once supremely humble and cataclysmic event in world history—the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus of Nazareth—the Messiah. 

Let’s feature this on our map. On the the leftmost edge of the right circle, I want you to make a star. Above the diagram to the left write, “Jesus Comes,” and draw an arrow from there to the star. Now, on the rightmost edge of the left circle make another star. Above the diagram to the right, write, “Jesus Returns,” and draw an arrow from there to that star.

We are alive now, in the epoch of time between the first and second comings of Jesus. It is the age of the outpoured Holy Spirit on all flesh. Jesus not only demonstrates for us what it looks like when a human being is filled to the measure of all the fullness of God, he distributes the self-same Spirit to us so that we can live and move and have our being just as he did and now does through us. This is what most people miss about the nature of Christian faith. It is not a try harder to be better behavior modification strategy. It is a trust deeper, rest securely, live fully way of life as the Holy Spirit restores the image of God in us together as unveiled and revealed by his Son. 

Let’s add one more feature of broad narration to our map. Between  the leftmost edge of the left circle and the leftmost edge of the right circle write the word, “Creation,” and beneath it write the word, “Corruption.”  Now Across the center of the overlapping portion of the circles write the word, “Consecration.” Now, between the right most edge of the left circle and the right most edge of the right circle write the word, “Consummation,” and underneath it “New Creation.” I know. I know. I’m starting to feel a little Bob Ross-ish to some of you. I’ll avoid the “happy trees” for this drawing, although they would provide for a kind of divine irony, wouldn’t they?

Those three movements map the big story. 1. Creation/Corruption, 2. Consecration, 3. Consummation/New Creation. 

My friends, we are alive in the epic era of Consecration—the complete consecration of God in love for the world he created. It is the period between the comings of Jesus—the age of the Holy Spirit. And all of this makes the gifted time in which we are privileged to be alive the Age of Great Awakening. 

So I say again, “Wake up, sleeper! And rise from the dead!”

and you say: “And Christ will shine on you!” 

What is this strange word, consecration? To that question we turn tomorrow. 


Father, thank you for this wake-up call. I confess, left to myself I really just want help with my daily problems, like the bills I can’t pay and the people I can’t get along with and the diseases destroying my loved ones. I struggle with the relevance of this map-making exercise when I have all these problems and needs. And then it hits me. I somehow have settled to struggle when you have made me to soar. I have almost completely forgotten my wings and your interest to lift me up on those wings like an eagle. I need a bigger picture; a better perspective; a deeper understanding of this present darkness if I am to become a true agent of Light. So I pledge to lean into trust rather than be tossed by the tyranny of my troubles. Come Holy Spirit and make it so. Wake me up. Fill me up. Pour me out. Praying in Jesus’s name, amen.


Are you leaning into our map-making exercise and the forging of a cartography of awakening? Finding it helpful? or Frustrating? Would you prefer a cup of chicken soup for the soul? ;0) 

THE HYMN (recording only) 

“Praise the Name of Jesus”

For the Awakening,
J. D. Walt

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5 Responses

  1. JD, I believe that what your trying to present here in this vin diagram is what Alan Hirsch referred to in his book, The Forgotten Ways, as a liminal time. We know where we’ve been, we’re experiencing the now, we’re being prepared for what’s to come, but we can’t return to what was. We will be changed. My only negative thought about the use of your diagram is that some folks might have a problem visualizing these instructions in their minds.

    1. Agreed! My wife and I read these together each morning. I read aloud and she listens. Her comment today: “I could visualize yesterday’s, but today I got lost.”

      JD, maybe a pdf image link could be added for those visual learners?

  2. I woke up this morning with these words on my heart: “Witness, testimony, and revelation are vital but neglected Christian concepts.”

    I believe those three concepts are God’s cartography of awakening that leads to contagious consecration and begins to produce and multiply a widely spreading move of God. We experience direct revelation from God, and then we can’t help but speak (witness and testify) about the things we have seen and heard.

    1. (That’s what happened to John Wesley after his heart was strangely warmed. Let’s not just have his example as our heritage. Let’s cry out to God for direct revelation like Wesley did until we are gloriously witnessing to and testifying about Jesus everywhere!)

  3. I have been struggling for years with being filled “with the fullness of God” per Ephes. 3:19, etc. Along with other commentators, I have some trouble fully understanding the diagram, but it helps me to understand that we need to get out of the nest and begin to learn to fly- but I’m far away from “soaring” above life’s troubles, and I am very far away from the fullness of God. Thank you so much JD, as always.

    (BTW, I attend Dalton, Georgia FUMC. Bishop Sue just cancelled elections for disaffiliation, so we are struggling under “the tyranny of our troubles” as a church…Please pray for us.)

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