
Article Archives

Day: April 20, 2012

What Is Prevenient Grace?

The grace that “goes before” is a doctrine worth knowing. This primer briefly introduces the reach and scope of prevenient grace as understood by John Wesley. Explore some biblical references that serve as a foundation for this important doctrine.

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Rise: The Great Fifty Days 9

Rise is a series designed to offer our Seedbed community a rich theological reflection to dwell on upon waking. Drink deeply from the well of His resurrection and the wealth of the Church. 

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April 20: Psalm 26

April 20: Psalm 26 Integrity, Holiness, and Mercy Common meter 86.86             Morning Song, p. 30 Dundee, p. 40 St. Anne (O God, Our Help in Ages Past), p. 39 Judge me, O Lord, for I

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