
Article Archives

Day: October 7, 2013

A Roundup of #AddaWordRuinaChristianBook

Yesterday across social media people were having fun with the hashtag #AddaWordRuinaChristianBoook. Here are some of the best ones. The Divine Conspiracy Theorists #AddaWordRuinaChristianBook — Timothy Villegas (@TheRealTimVegas) October 8, 2013 Till We Have Smiley

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The Masterpiece

“Every day is a masterpiece, even when it crushes you,” voices the blind woman on page 66 of Simon van Booy’s book, The  Illusion of Separateness.  I went to the public library on Saturday morning

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TEXT Matthew 15:1-20 The Message After that, Pharisees and religion scholars came to Jesus all the way from Jerusalem, criticizing, “Why do your disciples play fast and loose with the rules?” But Jesus put it right

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