
Article Archives

Day: May 13, 2015

Ken Loyer ~ A Foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet

The idea of the future has a mysterious quality to it because it is always beyond us, in one sense not yet fulfilled. As you look ahead, what do you anticipate about the future? What concerns or fears do you have? Do you think that in the midst of the inevitable uncertainty regarding various aspects of our future, there is still reason to be hopeful about what lies ahead for you, for your family, or for others? Why or why not?

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Top Three things Every Youth Ministry Should be Teaching

In the old Frankenstein movies, even after the creature was completely assembled by Dr. Frankenstein it needed a jolt of energy from a lightning bolt captured from the storm raging outside. Here are three of my top lightning bolts that every youth ministry should be passing on to our students.

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Blessed are the Poor In Spirit

Sometimes, as Christians, we can get really good at navel-gazing. We can get so caught up in the busyness of everyday ministry, that we fail to see the people. One thing that I have often noticed is how easy it is to be so surrounded by church people that we never even encounter the outside world in a meaningful way. For me, the most important question has become, “What am I going to do about it?”

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

What the Ascension Means for Jesus and Christians

After Jesus died and was resurrected, he ascended to the right hand of the Father after remaining with his disciples for 40 days. Though we tend to think of the ascension as an afterthought, in this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Steve Seamands reveals how Jesus’ leaving our world was just as crucial as his life, death, and resurrection.

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