You Will Always End Up Somewhere
We need to ask ourselves, “What is of critical importance that I should teach these precious youth in the few years I have with them?” There are many possible answers to this question.
We need to ask ourselves, “What is of critical importance that I should teach these precious youth in the few years I have with them?” There are many possible answers to this question.
How do we navigate the seemingly endless options and choose the right songs for our specific congregation, in each specific moment of the Christian year? In short, how do we discern?
Last week, Franklin Graham called for a stop to all immigration of Muslims because, “Every Muslim that comes into this country has the potential to be radicalized.” Read this article from Omar Rikabi, a Christian with Muslim family members as he responds to this concerning perspective.
Do you often experience people randomly telling you their entire life story? If there is an empty seat next to you, do people always seem to sit down and start talking? Do others often tell you their faith stories without necessarily being prompted? You may want to read this post! Laura Beach gives an explanation of what a Spiritual Director is and what they do, and she offers a great opportunity for training.