
Article Archives

Day: September 22, 2015


We all make our own fashion statement. Some are more adept at it than others. We often pile on the accessories in hopes of elevating our outward appearance. It happens in our spiritual life, too. But Jesus isn’t an accessory. He’s the whole wardrobe. Come discover what that means.

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From the Mouths of Babes: Participation of Children in Worship

We use all manner of criteria to judge churches: Does the preacher “feed” me? Is the music rockin’? Can I “feel the Spirit”? Some might be good criteria; others (most) are pathologically self-centered. But one criterion is often omitted, and yet has good dominical authority: Do the children participate?

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Book Review: Reconsidering Arminius

Jacob Arminius may well be one of the most misunderstood figures in Protestant theology. Despite the widespread influence of Arminius’ theology in many churches and denominations, many of both his supporters and his opponents grossly misunderstand Arminius and his thought. Taylor Brown reviews the book, Reconsidering Arminius: Beyond the Reformed and Wesleyan Divide.

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