
Article Archives

Day: December 12, 2015

Omar Rikabi ~ My Muslim Problem

Christmas reminds us God is redeeming all our little human stories into his great divine story through Jesus Christ. This is the good news of the Gospel. The nature of Jesus’s incarnation—God becoming human to be in relationship with each of us—puts us face to face with real people with real stories. When we choose to distort, ignore, or not enter into another’s story, we deny the incarnation and change what is happening.

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Five Ways Science is Spiritual

Advent may be a good time to think about the spirituality of science. Genuine science is not really secular, but spiritual. Think about its spirituality. Here are five spiritual dimensions of science: Mystery Science proceeds

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Why Anglicans Must Plant Churches

Why must Anglicans plant churches, and what about their tradition makes it a stream that enriches the mission of planting churches? In this video interview, Dan Alger offers wisdom and encouragement for those sensing a call to this particular vocation.

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