
Article Archives

Day: April 7, 2016

Fasting and Prayer for Awakening

What is fasting for, and why does it matter? It is something that shows up in Scripture more than you might think. David Thomas shares how fasting is so much more than skipping a meal.

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Five Keys to “Less Notes” Preaching

Have you ever dreamed of what it would be like to preach the Word of God without the need for a manuscript? Scary concept, right? For those who are a bit intimidated by “Note-Less” preaching, Chris Howlett shares Five Keys to “Less Notes” Preaching.

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The Secret to True Greatness

  [button font_size=”25″ color=”#c69225″ text_color=”#ffffff” url=”″ width=”400″ target=”_blank”]Listen to today’s Daily Text[/button] April 7, 2016 Matthew 5:19 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will

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