Signs and Wonders in Evangelism
What is missing from the church in North America? Stephen Elliott explains that the power and work of the Holy Spirit is what will set the church on fire once again.
What is missing from the church in North America? Stephen Elliott explains that the power and work of the Holy Spirit is what will set the church on fire once again.
Our team of church leaders continues our conversation on multisite ministry. Today, we explore the problems that can occur with multi-sites and strategies to handle them.
What part of worship grabs your heart and makes your breath catch in your chest? Brian Rhea shares how the Doxology fills his heart with awe and wonder.
We constantly evaluate the value of resources. So, sometimes, we tend to treat people like they are resources and make judgments about their value to us. Jim Kinder shares a sermon about what happens when we choose to value all people.
Because of the incredible grace of God in Jesus Christ, a person can go from the waste of a weed to the wonder of wheat.