
A Holy Spirit Story: Ron

A Holy Spirit Story: Ron

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Acts 1:8 (NIV)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”



Today’s story comes from Ron, who tells a story many will identify with as it involves our shared frailty with health, fear, medical intervention, and healing. 


A year ago this past March, I went to my doctor for my semi-annual physical, I had lost a bit of weight, my blood pressure was under control, I was feeling good about my health. My doctor listened to my heart and said “has any other doctor told you, you have a heart murmur?” No, I had never heard those words before. Long story, after the test it was determined that my mitral heart valve was shot. I had no clue. Only option was surgery to repair or replace my mitral valve. I became afraid. I have been a Christian pretty much my whole life and I was scared. I asked God for a sign that everything was going to be okay.

I went to a mentor friend of mine’s house to talk to him about my fear. He had recently lost his wife of fifty years, I actually did his wife’s funeral because that was what he wanted done. I told him about my situation and he looked straight at me and said “Brother Ron, I don’t know what it is but just now God gave me a peace about your situation, you are going to be fine.”

I soon left and got into my car where the radio was on 106.9, Billy Graham’s station, and the song by Hope Darst, “Peace Be Still” started to play. That was my sign, my friend saying he had a peace about my surgery and then almost immediately God having Hope Darst tell me it was so, “I am not going to fear the storm, you are greater than it’s roar.” From this point on I had God’s peace, his Holy Spirit came over me in a way that I had never experienced. I am a born worrier but I did not worry, did not fret, I was totally at peace. My wife and my adult children could not believe how I was handling my upcoming major heart surgery.

June 2, 2021, I was prepped for my surgery at 5:30 am. Still absolutely calm and at peace. Before I was “put under” I called all the folks in the OR to my bedside and asked them to all lay hands on me and allow me to pray for them. I became a bit emotional and so did they.

Surgery went well, I was up and walking early the next morning. God had gotten me through it all.

I will close with this, the third night in CVICU, at about 10:30, all the alarms on my monitor went off, nurses come flying into my room, my BP had sky rocketed, my pulse rate was at 145, I was having some trouble breathing. I became scared—scared that I was going to die. I asked one of the nurses, “Am I about to die?” She said no, this happens quite a bit to people that have valve surgery. Your heart has gone into afib.

They got my heart back into rhythm within an hour and all was back to normal. As I lay there in my bed, relieved, I started to think about Peter when he stepped out on the water in the storm to walk to Jesus but when he looked away from Jesus and saw the storm around him he began to sink. I then started to smack my head a bit and call myself Peter. I had taken my eyes off of Jesus, I began to have fear, he tested me and I failed him.

All is well now over a year later, never had another episode of afib. We should never take our eyes off of Jesus. If he gives you a peace about a situation, go with it and keep your eyes on him.

This is the way—from glory to glory. 


Abba Father, we want to bless you today because all healing comes from you. We especially want to thank you for the men and women, the healers, who work in the medical profession. Refresh and enrich their anointing today. Thank you for this witness from Ron and for the vision of him praying for his caretakers. And thank you for his friend who spoke this word of prophecy over him. Grant us this kind of faith and courage to be such witnesses to others. Praying in Jesus’ name, amen. 


Do you have similar stories of healing to Ron’s here or are you facing the kind of fear he acknowledges in preparation for such medical intervention? 

For the Awakening,
J.D. Walt

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2 Responses

  1. J D, thank you for sharing these types of testimonies. All of us one day will have to face similar situations. My take on this one is that it demonstrates the need to be in fellowship with other strong believers. We all need to be able to share our fears and concerns with folks who’ve walked that same road. May God glorify himself by drawing His people closer together, in Jesus name.

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