Our Grief Is Wrapped in Hope
Future bodily resurrection transforms grief from despair to hope.
Future bodily resurrection transforms grief from despair to hope.
The main lesson we learn from the warning about the Lawless One: Watch out for counterfeit gods.
Christian community should be characterized by self-giving love, even in difficult circumstances.
God’s kingdom spreads when believers live in a manner worthy of imitation.
Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose from the grave for more than just our forgiveness. In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Matt O’Reilly explains the critical connection between Christ’s resurrection and our holiness.
Is sin essential to what it means to be human? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary video, Matt O’Reilly reminds us that Jesus—as fully God and fully man—is who defines our humanity, and argues that our journey to holiness is indeed what it means to become fully human like Jesus.
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the solution for human sinfulness, and the Holy Spirit was given to eradicate sin from our lives. Watch today’s Seven Minute Seminary video from Matt O’Reilly on why the doctrine of sin matters and three resulting pastoral implications.
Contrary to popular notions about disembodied eternal existence, the Christian hope is grounded in Jesus Christ’s resurrection, which is a foreshadowing of what the church will share in as well. Watch Matt O’Reilly in this Seven Minute Seminary explain the Christian afterlife.
Justification by grace through faith is central to the gospel. In this Seven Minute Seminary, Matt O’Reilly shows how the beauty of this doctrine does not just lie in what it erases from the past, rather, it highlights the bringing together of persons to God in Jesus Christ.
What is the Trinity, and why does it matter? In this Seven Minute Seminary, Matt O’Reilly explains that within the one God there is both unity and diversity. The Father is not the Son nor the Spirit, the Son is not the Father nor the Spirit, and the Spirit is not the Father nor the Son. He also shares 2 ways that the doctrine of the Trinity makes a difference in our daily living.
I’ve often thought of my life as having been lived on the edge of the liturgy. I suspect that perspective will resonate with many in the Wesleyan and Methodist tradition. I offer here a few reflections on the early stages of my own journey from the edge of the liturgical stream into deeper waters.
“Why celebrate Easter?” That’s an honest question that was put to me recently by a man who is deeply interested in religion, though intentionally not part of any orthodox Christian tradition. His question is one that many believers seldom ask. But why IS Easter so important? What’s the big deal? Why do we celebrate?