The Holy Spirit Brings Us to God and God to Us
The Holy Spirit brings us to God and God to us.
The Holy Spirit brings us to God and God to us.
The work of the Holy Spirit is enough to bring the perfect, holy love of God rushing into our hearts.
When Jesus poured out the Holy Spirit on his followers, he launched the new age of the Spirit.
We must remember that Christianity is not just a biblical religion, it is also a historical religion.
The role of tradition is not to invent teaching or add to the Scriptures, but to preserve the integrity of the original meaning of Scripture with the help of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is counted as third not because he is of a lesser rank or different substance than the other two persons of the holy Trinity.
Denying the divinity and personhood of the Holy Spirit is not only incongruent with the biblical witness, it also renders void many essential biblical promises about God and salvation
Just as the Holy Spirit played an active part in the first creation account, so he will play a part in creating the new heavens and the new earth.
This new book is a basic and very accessible study on the Holy Spirit by Matt Ayars.
Above and beyond all things, the Holy Spirit unites the Church to Christ.
In this Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. Matt Ayars teaches why the early church councils affirmed the divinity of the Holy Spirit.