Advent and the Alarms of Our Souls
Advent is not just about holidays, vacations, and time off. It’s about listening for the alarms.
Advent is not just about holidays, vacations, and time off. It’s about listening for the alarms.
Advent is our reminder that Jesus Christ is coming again, and we ought to align ourselves to his grand mission of rescue and realignment.
We can give and receive challenging words if they are rooted in deep love.
There is a difference between defending the faith and destroying your opponent.
We’re not living in Caesar’s story, Caesar is living in Jesus’ story.
God is warning us not to take on the character of the governing authorities as our worldview or let them dictate our actions. Don’t represent them.
If we’re spending more energy evangelizing what our candidate promises than what Jesus has done, we’ve lost our witness.
Religion and politics is right where Paul charges into without hesitation, and so will we.
The New Testament calls us to live like the “not yet” is “right now.”
It may have been a different time, but it’s still the same story today: we’re all going to be a slave to something.