Everyone wants to be Han. However, even if you have the black vest and tight fitting pants, you can’t be Han without a Wookie by your side. Luckily, you probably have all you need to help the aspiring Hans in your youth group build their own wookie companions out of a good friend and some construction paper. Here’s how the game goes.
1. Select a handful of students to be Han (you’ll need to have the same number of Hans as you do shredders).
2. Ask Han to recruit a friend to become a wookie, and another friend or two to help in the transformation.
3. Give each team a stack of brown construction paper, a roll of blue painters tape and a non cross-cut paper shredder.
4. Set a timer and tell each team they have a limited time to transform their friend into a wookie.
5. Have a panel of judges decide on the winner and award your glorious prize (or just glory).
Supplies Needed:
Cheap Shredder (Non Cross-cut)
You’re welcome.
Image attribution: 501452 / Thinkstock