Lessons We Learn from Daniel in the Lion’s Den
Hope, for the Christian, is not a made-up word. Read today’s post from Michael Matlock to learn more about what Daniel’s experience in the lion’s den teaches us about hope.
Hope, for the Christian, is not a made-up word. Read today’s post from Michael Matlock to learn more about what Daniel’s experience in the lion’s den teaches us about hope.
In Daniel chapter 5 we read the ominous story of a hand writing on the wall during Belshazzar. What might this have meant to the original readers, and what might it mean for us today? Dr. Michael Matlock explains this curious passage in today’s article.
What is the call of the biblical prophet? In today’s post, Brian Russell shares the two primary threats to the people of God, and how idolatry and injustice stand in the way of the future kingdom that God envisions for our world.
Contrary to popular notions about disembodied eternal existence, the Christian hope is grounded in Jesus Christ’s resurrection, which is a foreshadowing of what the church will share in as well. Watch Matt O’Reilly in this Seven Minute Seminary explain the Christian afterlife.