Five Principles for Church Planting in the New Methodist Revival
People everywhere are starving for something that only the grace of God can satisfy.
People everywhere are starving for something that only the grace of God can satisfy.
Churches genuinely seeking to reach people with the gospel must constantly evaluate the cultural climate in which they live.
We are to pray and work for the coming of the kingdom here and now, in every nook and niche of creation.
Because fresh expression of church will be such a new concept to so many in your congregation, it should be helpful to anticipate some of the questions they likely will ask.
God’s Spirit is alive and well in present churches of all ages, shapes, and sizes. So Fresh Expressions is about new forms of church coming alongside existing congregations.
In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Christian Selvaratnam of Alpha encourages those considering church-planting to use Alpha as a launching pad for gathering people together in new churches.
Watch this Seven Minute Seminary video by William Chaney of Path1 ministries as he shares three steps to launching a fundraising campaign and understanding those who want to give to your church plant.
In today’s Seven Minute Seminary video, Ric Thorpe shares how the Church of England transitioned toward a multiplying church-planting movement that has, from the outset, the intention of planting churches that are reproducing themselves.
Maybe you are thinking, Why do we need to start new churches? In today’s article, Winfield Bevins responds to six myths that commonly surround the mandate to plant churches.
Preaching and administering the sacrament can be an enhancement for contextual ministry, rather than a detriment. Read more from Travis Collins to learn about these opportunities.
The biblical mandate for the church is to make disciples of all nations. In today’s article, Robert Coleman explores this call and suggests that church planting is a unique way to fulfill this calling.
Incarnation is not just a matter of tweaking our delivery method. It’s about planting new forms of church in bowling alleys, fitness centers, restaurants, etc.