We all have divine appointments and assignments from God. The sooner we can discovery those, then the more fully we can walk those out in obedience. There is not a perfect time or circumstance for us, as people of God, to cross into what God has for us. At some point, we have to trust the Lord and cross over. Through this series, we will talk about stepping into our callings, conquering fears, and ultimately crossing over! Joshua is a book positioned to talk about such topics, so we will be diving in there.
Every week in small groups, we begin with “Pows and wows” or highs and lows of the week. This gives students the opportunity to share, begin getting comfortable talking, and also for you to find out any prayer needs on the front end of the group time.
Read Joshua 2:1-15. What was the purpose of sending the spies to Jericho?
Who is Rahab?
Read Matthew 1:5 (Boaz was the husband of Ruth); James 2:25 NIV; Hebrews 11: 31. Does it surprise you that she is in the lineage of Christ and considered a hero of faith?
Name some other unlikely people who are instrumental in the kingdom or in the Bible?
Come up with some possible excuses Rahab could of made as to why she could not help the spies?
What was the main reason Rahab hid the spies (Joshua 2:9-11)?
What are some excuses we make for not doing what He asks of us?
According to this story, are we “qualified and then called” or “called then qualified”? God qualifies the called. He calls us 1st and then because of Him we are qualified.
Read Joshua 2:16-24. What connection do you see between the scarlet cord and blood of Christ?
Read Joshua 3:13. The Israelites had to literally take some steps in faith, just as Rahab did. What are some steps in faith God is asking you to take this week? And this summer? This fall?
Have students pray for the person on their left. This helps them practice prayer.