Not a sparrow falls to the ground without God’s knowledge…
But sparrows still fall.
God works all things for the good of those who love Him…
But He still allows His saints to suffer.
And He doesn’t always tell us why.
Does God see me in this mess?
- When it seems like everyone else smiling, but you are just too tired to fake it.
- When leaving the house seems like a momentous chore.
- When things look dull and your life seems the same day after day.
- When you’ve been cheated, betrayed or kicked out.
- When all the nice Christian answers just don’t cut it anymore.
- When “difficult” is an understatement for this current life season, and you can’t see an end.
- When you wonder who your real friends are.
- When you try to hear from God and there’s only silence.
I feel like the desire to know why is built into us.
If we can just put our finger on it- the cause, the reason, calculate exactly how it will all play out. Then maybe we could have a justified reason for going through our suffering.
Maybe we would get through it with less pain, knowing the “why.”
Or maybe not.
In the meantime, check out these four action steps. They won’t solve all your problems, but they will help carry you through the questions.
Hold on to what’s good and true.
God is still there for you even when He seems silent. Because we live in this fallen world, suffering comes to everyone, often without warning or explanation. Still we can choose to believe in God’s sovereign hand, and know in time He will redeem our pain. Search the scriptures and hold on to all that is good and true. Embrace His promises daily. Remind yourself that you are a child of the Most High God. You may not see it right now, but He is working behind the scenes on your behalf.
Relax and know that He is still God.
How can we be still when our life is in chaos? Most of us have heard Psalms 64:10 many times, but maybe it’s time for a second look. Read more about my thoughts on this subject in a recent personal blog post here: Stillness in Times of Trouble. Sometimes we just need a good reminder that God has not changed, and we can relax in His loving and gracious hands. He is still in control. Practicing stillness before the Lord is not always easy, but is a necessary part of soul care. Take a look, there’s more to that verse than you may think.
Watch for the little, gentle reminders of His love.
So often in our mess, we forget simple blessings that can inspire gratefulness.
- The beautiful flower you normally pass by. He created that.
- The friend that sticks by you when the going gets rough, and offers their heart in return.
- The sun on your face and warm breeze after a long winter.
- The perfect song on the radio… at just the perfect time.
- The timely message that comes just when you need it. A hug, just because.
- The hot meal waiting for you when you get home.
- The unexpected kindness.
- The sunrise, sunset, and other natural wonders He gives each day.
- The blessing of hope on the other side of the pain.
Guard your mind.
We often are our own worst enemies. We have this battle of the mind going on between who God says we are, who we think we are and how others perceive us. The tricky part is feeding the truth and rejecting the lies. Focusing on God’s truth is vital to our ability to hold on to hope. Read a few more insights on the importance of choosing thoughts that bring life in I Think Therefore I Am.
Life happens and we usually don’t get a complete explanation.
But if we keep breathing, hold on to all that’s good and true (now and to come),
relax in His love and watch for the little blessings that inspire gratefulness;
we will make space for our soul to find hope again.
Maybe the why won’t matter quite as much as it did before.