
Holy Spirit Story: On the Brink of a Fail, When People Travail, and Jesus Prevails

Acts 1:8 (NIV)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


Today’s story comes from David, who wishes to go by his first name alone. He writes: “I’ve greatly enjoyed and been blessed by the Wake-Up Call. I feel compelled as an act of obedience to share this story. God has been writing this story for a while and now it’s time to share. I’m a witness.” You are going to be challenged and encouraged by this one. The Spirit is going to speak directly to many of you about similar situations in your own life. Prepare to R.O.W. Be ready. Be open. Be willing. It is such a particular story and yet its particularity makes it so generally and broadly applicable for us all. Below you will read the story in his own words and if you listen, you will hear it in his own voice. 

I’ve been a small business owner for thirty years. About six years ago circumstances largely beyond my control caused me to have to lay off my employees and make plans for shutting down. It was financially devastating with harsh consequences. My wife and I were not at peace leaving our obligations unpaid and walking away from commitments we had made, especially to our employees. In our discernment, every option presented seemed to be in violation of our faith except stepping forward, taking responsibility, and trusting God. Given our situation, this was not possible until a small group of employees came to me and said they believed in our business and said they would work as long as they could without pay or reduced pay.

My wife and I agreed that we would continue forward as long as God made a way. For us, this required setting aside some of our dreams and making significant personal financial sacrifices including continuing to give to our church at the same levels as before regardless of our income. The math simply didn’t work. We still had two kids in college. This seemed foolish by any business measure and I confess I really didn’t believe we’d last long, but we were confident this was the Holy Spirit’s leading. Every few months we faced what seemed like an impossible mountain to climb yet God provided what we needed to get through—in the business and at home.

A couple of years into this journey we came to a very large mountain: a deadline was looming and there seemed to be no path forward. God was very silent. Monday (D-Day) was coming and I decided it was time to quit and give up. My prayers over the last several weeks had grown more desperate, not that God would end the circumstances but that he would speak clearly on what we should do, that some way he would let me know. I couldn’t see any way forward. God, do we continue? Or is it time to stop? It seemed so hopeless. On Saturday morning I left for the office very early to prepare a communication that would effectively close the business on Monday, setting in motion all kinds of consequences. There would be no turning back. I just couldn’t continue without some assurance. On the way, I again desperately prayed for God to speak.

As I arrived at the office my phone buzzed with a “WhatsApp” message from my daughter—she is a missionary in Central America. My wife and I had visited there about six months before and had asked them to pray for us. The message said, “One of the pastors was praying early this morning. He just texted me a message for you. I’m translating the message and will send it shortly but he says it is very important. It is mostly a Scripture you need to read from 1 Samuel 30.

and David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I pursue . . .” “Pursue them,” he answered. “You will certainly . . . succeed in the rescue.” (1 Sam. 30:8)

I had been desperately asking God for an answer and, Wow! I believed this was it. Only the Holy Spirit could do this—the assurance I needed. I’m so thankful for the faithfulness of that pastor. I put away the communication I was writing and stepped forward in faith again without any idea how we could continue, and God delivered us through. I can’t really explain it.

We are nearing the end of this part of our journey and it has been hard, yet our debts, obligations, and commitments, as God promised, will soon be met. (I claim this with confidence in the Lord). Most of the employees who took a sacrificial risk allowing us to continue are still with us. Throughout this journey, my wife and I have been able to continue our giving to our church and the ministries we support. Actually, our giving has increased.

Today, my relationship with God is much more intimate, and I rely more on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in my daily life. I don’t want to go back to the way it was before. The Holy Spirit has awakened me to see God’s story being written all around me. I want in the game. I pray desperately the Holy Spirit will move in the church, awakening and stirring hearts. Above all, I want to be a faithful follower of Jesus. He is enough.


Abba Father! Thank you for this story of mountain-moving faith. Thank you for the particularity with which you speak. Thank you for the way your Spirit builds perseverance in us through trials, grows patience through waiting, and forges trust through risk. Praying in Jesus’s name, amen. 


Do you identify with today’s story? Does it cause you to remember such stories of faith in your own life? How is the Holy Spirit assuring you of the will and ways of Jesus in your life right now? 


Today let’s sing our Saturday song, “Sanctuary.” Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving I’ll be a living sanctuary for you. Such a profound prayer of consecration. This is our story dear friends. This is our song. 

For the Awakening,
J.D. Walt

P. S. My Dog, Lucy

In today’s podcast (audio recording) I reference the story I told at our recent Wake-Up Call Fellowship Gathering about my dog Lucy and her crazy wild origin story. She also makes an audio appearance in today’s podcast. The link to that fellowship gathering is here if you want to watch it (and meet Lucy yourself).

P. P. S. Holy Spirit Stories Welcome

I would love it if you would send a story of faith from your life we might use on a Saturday in the future. We will be glad to attach your name or a pseudonym or anonymity—it’s up to you. It can be a story of coming to faith, a story of transformation, a story of healing, deliverance, suffering and sufficient grace, family reconciliation, prodigal returns, answered prayer, and so forth. A word count of 500–800 words works well. We can’t guarantee publication, but we assure you of our prayerful discernment. You can reply to this email with your story and it will come to me.

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WHAT IS THIS? Wake-Up Call is a daily encouragement to shake off the slumber of our busy lives and turn our eyes toward Jesus. Each morning our community gathers around a Scripture, a reflection, a prayer, and a few short questions, inviting us to reorient our lives around the love of Jesus that transforms our hearts, homes, churches, and cities.

Comments and Discussion

One Response

  1. Just before I read this testimony, I had finished reading 1 Samuel chapters 28 and 29 to begin my morning. As I flipped to the next chapter to set up for tomorrow, I noted the descriptor at the top “David’s wives are captured”. This of course sets the stage for verse 8, which is the pivotal message God “re-used” for our modern David who shares today’s testimony. In a time of bleak despair, where it so much is on the line, a simple, direct answer clearly comes from the Almighty.

    Just two short chapters earlier, King Saul was despairing of that very thing, facing a massive army and no (new) word from God, he went to a medium. And, despite all of the obvious additional problems with that choice, God allowed Saul to get the word he sought, but nothing like he wanted. His life and legacy were done, and a new king would shortly be crowned. Saul was (in many ways like me) impatient to the point of sin. Repeatedly he himself decided what God wanted, rather than to depend on what had already been revealed to him, and/or to wait on his next orders.

    Like many others, there is often some sort of crisis in my own life, with self, family, beloved friends, or employees and customers who may be affected by any choice I make. Got is always faithful to me in all parts of life, yet he gives me the freedom to step out of His will.

    How many times I’ve yearned and begged for a simple, direct answer. Yet the Father did not always provide it, at least not in the way or timing that I was certain He should. I am always reminded though that He has never left me, never forsaken me, and that He stands as a loving Father over me in every circumstance, every moment. As any loving (and perfect parent), his requirement is simply obedience (simple, but not always easy, at least for me).

    The telling of both David’s stories reminds me of countless messages to me in the past, and that even during those times when He seems silent, that He is far from removed. Today I also am dealing with some extremely difficult circumstances, and am seeking a word from our Father. You see, I think today’s message was written for me (at least in part). Did I mention my name is David? That’s three of us.

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