
Seven Resources on the Holy Spirit and Supernatural Ministry

Seven Resources on the Holy Spirit and Supernatural Ministry

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From day one, Seedbed has engaged in the remedial work of publishing resources that reintroduce the person and work of the Holy Spirit into the life of the church. Our hope is that the we would realign ourselves with the powerful in-breaking of the kingdom of God in ways that extend beyond and challenge mere human activity.


Supernatural: Experiencing the Power of God’s Kingdom by Carolyn Moore

Moore takes us through Luke 9, examining Jesus’ commission to his disciples to cast out demons, cure diseases, proclaim the kingdom, and heal the sick. With down-to-earth language, she unpacks tricky topics, including: praying for healing, experiencing miracles, encountering demons, sighting moments of glory, fighting unholy hesitation. Videos available.

Livestream: Learning to Minister in the Power of the Holy Spirit by Ivan Filby

This book is full of faith-building stories of healings, visions, and life-changing prophetic words, but it also contains unique insights to help you to learn how to minister the Holy Spirit’s power right where you are. As you read this book, you’ll catch Ivan’s enthusiasm for living a life attentive to the Holy Spirit’s whispers to step out in faith and change lives. Speak Tenderly: Prophetic Ministry Seasoned with Grace is a followup companion and releases later this fall.

Still Day One: Living in the Day After the Day of Pentecost by J. D. Walt

Take this deep dive into the person, work, power and love of the Holy Spirit. From the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost to a lame beggar by the gate called Beautiful this series took on the tone and essence of a bonafide pilgrimage. Here you will learn how the Day of Pentecost changed the course of human history and the trajectory of creation, be challenged to be an ambassador for Jesus by entering into the laboratory of faith daily, and appreciate how Jesus’s presence by the Holy Spirit collapses our notions of prayer and makes his power and love accessible.

Why I Am Still Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deere

In Why I Am Still Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, Deere demonstrates that the Scriptures teach that God is healing and speaking today just as he did 2000 years ago. He tells documented stories of modern miracles. He explains the nature of spiritual gifts, defines each spiritual gift, offers sound advice on discovering and using the gifts in church today. He shows how all of this part of God’s way of deepening our friendship with him.

The Holy Spirit: An Introduction by Matt Ayars

The Holy Spirit: An Introduction is an accessible, introductory-level, systematic treatment of the Holy Spirit that is rooted in Scripture and the historic Christian faith. Its treatment of topics includes the identity of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity as well as the work of the Holy Spirit in applying the redemptive work of Christ in the life of the collective church and in the individual believer. Videos available.

Follow the Healer: Biblical and Theological Foundations for Healing Ministry by Stephen Seamands

In Follow the Healer, Stephen Seamands draws upon four decades of teaching theology and active involvement in healing ministry to help us grasp the “why-to” of healing that comes before the “how-to.” He lays out the essential theological foundations for healing ministry in a way that is simple and accessible. Videos available.

By Signs and Wonders: How the Holy Spirit Grows the Church by Stephen D. Elliott

In By Signs and Wonders: How the Holy Spirit Grows the Church, Steve Elliott takes a close look at evangelism. How did the Good News of Jesus Christ spread in the years following Jesus’s life? Why has the recent rise of friendship/lifestyle evangelism fallen so short of producing disciples? This is the focus of this book, to provide laity and Christian leaders with a critically important insight in how to more effectively evangelize a lost and dying world.
