
Second Breakfast: LI

Second Breakfast: LI

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And so he made the whole kingdom his parish, took

And so he made the whole kingdom his parish, took horse like a courier and carried his news along every highway. Slowly, with no premeditated plan, going now here, now there, as some call of counsel or opportunity directed him, he moved as if from stage to stage of a journey; and as he went did his errand as if instinctively.

He seemed a sort of revolutionist, left no community as he found it, set men by the ears. it was hard to believe that he had no covert errand, that he meant nothing more than to preach the peaceable riches of Christ.

This is a portion of a speech given in 1915 by Woodrow Wilson, then President of the United States of America. The speech, entitled “John Wesley’s Place in History” was delivered on the campus of Wesleyan University on the occasion of the Wesley Bicentennial.


This week’s “Second Breakfasts” are taken from the compilation work named above. We are proud to present a brief resource to you whose message is richly transformative and which serves as the foundation for Seedbed’s distinctive spiritual-theological heritage. Find Seeds here.


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