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Engaging Your Muslim Neighbors

In 2015, the month of fasting for Muslims known as Ramadan begins today. What is a helpful posture to take toward our Muslims neighbors? Learn about this and more in this Seven Minute Seminary with Matthew Friedman.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

The Accomplishments of Ezra and Nehemiah

After suffering military defeat and captivity for its apostasy, the Jewish people were finally freed and allowed to return to their homeland in the 6th century BC, ending their exile to Babylon. Learn more about the accomplishments of two particular leaders, Ezra and Nehemiah, from Roger Nam in this Seven Minute Seminary.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

How I Became a Wesleyan (William Abraham)

John Wesley was the 18th century founder of the Methodist movement—a community of Christians who brought renewal to the church by practicing intentional discipleship and striving after the holiness of God. But what causes someone to be belong to a particular spiritual tradition? In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. William “Billy” Abraham answers why he is a Wesleyan Methodist.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Why is Systematic and Wesleyan Theology Important?

The study of systematic theology may seem far-removed from daily life, but when we understand it as the interpretation and communication of God’s revealed truth as it relates to other disciplines, it becomes more urgent of a task. Watch Larry Wood explain in today’s Seven Minute Seminary.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Are the Spiritual Gifts for Today?

The Bible is full of provocative accounts of miraculous healings, signs and wonders that draw people’s hearts back to God. Still, some claim that the spiritual gifts have ceased, or at least the more charismatic gifts have. In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Craig Keener explores this important teaching.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

What the Ascension Means for Jesus and Christians

After Jesus died and was resurrected, he ascended to the right hand of the Father after remaining with his disciples for 40 days. Though we tend to think of the ascension as an afterthought, in this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Steve Seamands reveals how Jesus’ leaving our world was just as crucial as his life, death, and resurrection.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Jesus Our Sacrament

What we learn throughout the Bible is that God uses created things to impart grace and mercy in order to minister to our needs. In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Bob Stamps explains how the ultimate source of power for all of these means is the person of Jesus Christ himself.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Can We Trust Bible Translations?

The English-speaking world has an abundance of Bible translations. Selecting a Bible from the Christian store can be overwhelming. What’s the difference between them all? Are they all equal in value? Watch this Seven Minute Seminary with Dr. Bill Mounce to find out more.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

How to Interpret the Creation Story of Genesis 1-2

The church has always had a dynamic relationship with science—sometimes a positive one while other times a rather stifling one. In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. John Walton explains the key to understanding the creation account found in Genesis 1-2, and how this relates to scientific theories.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Discipleship According to Mark 8:34

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, according to his own words? In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Bill Mounce shares insights from Mark 8 based on the difference that the Greek text makes.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

The Good News of the Resurrection

What is the good news of the resurrection, and what is its theological significance? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Larry Wood addresses three fruits of the resurrection, and shares how we can know that Jesus Christ was indeed raised from the dead.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

The Christian Afterlife

Contrary to popular notions about disembodied eternal existence, the Christian hope is grounded in Jesus Christ’s resurrection, which is a foreshadowing of what the church will share in as well. Watch Matt O’Reilly in this Seven Minute Seminary explain the Christian afterlife.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

The History of Contemporary Worship Music

What is the history of contemporary worship music and how did it become such a powerful force in modern expressions of Christianity? In today’s video, Dr. Lester Ruth explains key elements and helps us understand this fascinating cultural and church phenomenon.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Why Justification by Faith Matters

Justification by grace through faith is central to the gospel. In this Seven Minute Seminary, Matt O’Reilly shows how the beauty of this doctrine does not just lie in what it erases from the past, rather, it highlights the bringing together of persons to God in Jesus Christ.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Jesus and the Means of Grace

How should we understand grace, and how does this relate to the person of Jesus Christ? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Robert Stamps explains how grace is best understood as an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ, who bids us to practice faith and enter the means of grace.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

A Christian Response to Terrorism, Part II

Violence done in the name of religious and political ideology by people who do not represent their governments has become a pressing issue, while people victimized by terrorism—both strong and vulnerable­—struggle to answer with a successful response. In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. James Thobaben works through Just War theory.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

A Christian Response to Terrorism, Part I

Violence done in the name of religious and political ideology by people who do not represent their governments has become a pressing issue, while people victimized by terrorism—both strong and vulnerable­—struggle to answer with a successful response. In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. James Thobaben introduces us to current issues involved with terrorism and possible Christian responses.

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Was Rebekah a Good or Bad Character in the Bible?

Was Rebekah a good or bad character in the Bible, especially in light of her deceitfulness? In this video, Dr. Craig Keener explains that considering especially God’s revelation to her regarding Jacob’s assumption of the birthright, on the whole, Rebekah should be understood as a positive character.

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