

Video Archive

Biblical Forgiveness and Reconciliation

“Sometimes we have to wait for our feelings to catch up with our theology, or our choice.” In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Virginia Todd Holeman discusses the foundations for biblical forgiveness and reconciliation, answering questions like “Why should I forgive?” and also what forgiveness is not.

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Collective Identity

This Seven Minute Seminary episode features Dr. Jim Miller as he discusses how collective identity motivates us to action and what our collective identity looks like in Christ. 

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Biblical Commitment

This Seven Minute Seminary will help you evaluate if you are an effective Christian leader. Dr. Wes Griffin outlines things that every Christian leader needs to do to be effective and fruitful in ministry.

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Friendship in a Postmodern Age

How has social media changed friendship? Dr. James R. Thobaben, Professor of Bioethics and Social Ethics, explains how important friendship is to Christianity and how threatened it is in a post-modern age. See this week’s Seven Minute Seminary for more.

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Bioethics, Part 2

We continue our Seven Minute Seminary video series with Dr. Bryan Edgar. Edgar confronts topics like IVF, cloning, and trans-species gene transfer. What are the theological implications of these advances in medicine and techonology? Hear what Dr. Edgar has to say. 

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Bioethics, Part 1

Dr. Brian Edgar, Professor of Theological Studies at Asbury Seminary, confronts ethical questions that arise from advances in biology and medicine. Edgar uses in vitro fertilization as an example and proposes a Christian response to the ethical questions one might face following IVF.


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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Homosexuality and Scripture

Is same-sex marriage compatible with Christian faith? Dr. Ben Witherington III addresses this question and explains how Scripture focuses on behavior not inclinations or orientation.


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Morals & Virtue in Decision-Making

Dr. James R. Thobaben explains the process of two kinds of reasoning: moral and virtue reasoning. He breaks down how we make decisions, and offers some helpful insight for better decision-making techniques. Dr. Thobaben offers a helpful, Wesleyan perspective.

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Women, Ministry, and Scripture (Part 2)

Should women be in leadership positions in the Church? Today Dr. Ben Witherington III offers scriptural support for women in leadership. He explains the “problem passages” and offers a Wesleyan perspective on the topic.

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