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Sunday Best 10.7.12
Sunday Best covers an array of links from around the web. This is a great way to catch up on news and culture from the past week via Seedbed.
Storified by Seedbed · Fri, Oct 05 2012 13:13:36
The Bonfire: A big giant (but far from complete) list o’ Christian women bloggersHere’s my big giant list o’ links from the other day in a more convenient form. This is not a list of the “top” Christian women bloggers,…
Women to follow: see this list of Christian women bloggers by Fred Clark at Slacktivist.
‘Moral Minority’ by David R. SwartzIn 1968, Mark Hatfield, one of America’s most prominent evangelical politicians, wanted to abolish the draft and clandestinely wore a Eug…
The New York Times runs a piece “Pro-Life, Pro-Left” profiling the Moral Minority.
60 Second Summary: The Biblical Billionaire Backing The Evangelical Movement60 Second Summary: The Biblical Billionaire Backing The Evangelical Movement Articles you need to know about, summarized in 60 seconds (o…
Do you know any evangelical billionaires? The Gospel Coalition does a 60 second profile of David Green, owner of Hobby Lobby.
:: the engebretson ridiculo/theolo-post ::: seminary debts (pt. 3): the back & forward of testimoniesit is quite possible this whole series of posts rehearsing the persistent provision of God in our lives has been more for me. for us. as …
Ph.D. student Scott Engebretson blogs about seminary, debt, and God’s faithfulness.
Why Suburbia Really Is Affecting Your Spiritual L… | This Is Our City | Christianity TodayIt’s rare to find a pastor who is attuned to how “place” informs human experience and community. But a discerning pastor can know more ab…
Eric Jacobsen writes about how space shapes spirituality in Why Suburbia Really Is Affecting Your Spiritual Life.
Real-life Anime Girl: Anastasiya Shpagina’s Bizarre Make-up TutorialStill deciding on this year’s Halloween costume? Check out this flower fairy make-up tutorial by Anastasiya Shpagina (a.k.a Fukkacumi), f…
Ever meet a real-life cartoon character? Some have dramatically altered their appearance to look like anime characters. What ethics are involved here?
Ask a stay-at-home dad… (response)Today we continue our popular “Ask a…” series with Sonny Lemmons and his responses to your questions for “Ask a stay-at-home dad.” In J…
Rachel Held Evans interviews a stay-at-home dad.
What Galileo’s Telescope Can’t See: There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in contemporary understandings of science and faith.Copyright: www.bridgemanart.com Analogies have persuasive power, a suggestive force that operates on an almost unconscious level. To say …
James K.A. Smith covers faith and science over at Christianity Today in “What Galileo’s Telescope Can’t See.”