How Practical is Relevance?
The cry to “make the Bible relevant to today’s world” not only implies that the Bible itself lacks relevance, a point discussed yesterday, it also makes another assumption that is quite startling. This has to
The cry to “make the Bible relevant to today’s world” not only implies that the Bible itself lacks relevance, a point discussed yesterday, it also makes another assumption that is quite startling. This has to
No doubt about it. The most worn out and frequent cliché in the realm of biblical study and teaching is the cry to “Make it Relevant!” One one level, of course, truth lurks in the
Is the ice bucket thing dumb? That is the dividing line here, right? This thing seems to have passed being viral to being an all-out epidemic. Instead of groaning about receiving the 1,000th challenge from
In this episode of The Threshing Floor our hosts turn to a conversation on the hearts of many people today, The Middle East. We focus our conversation on having a heart for people outside of
In a letter to John Smith on June 25, 1746, John Wesley, in reflecting on the Methodist movement, wrote, “What is the end of all ecclesiastical order? Is it not to bring souls from the power of Satan to God? And to build them in his fear and love? Order, then, is so far valuable as it answers these ends; and if it answers them not it is worth nothing.”