Creating in the Image of the Creator: Six Illuminating Worship Arts Ideas
We are all created in the image of our creative God. Kory Pence shares 6 ways to incorporate creativity and art into the worship service.
We are all created in the image of our creative God. Kory Pence shares 6 ways to incorporate creativity and art into the worship service.
Are you searching for ways to engage people for the gospel via social media? Kory Pence has some advice.
No matter if you love or hate social media, it is still a very present reality in our churches. Kory Pence shares how to work with social media rather than fighting against it and how to use it to help people worship.
Jesus’ time with his disciples on the beach after his resurrection is one of the most touching moments in Eastertide. Kory Pence shares a phenomenal way to celebrate this redemptive beach moment and live it for ourselves. Free resources are included!
Do you anticipate hearing from God this Lent? Sometimes God speaks through the words we choose to surround ourselves with. Kory Pence discusses a different perspective on worship through music during Lent, and offers a playlist to get you started!
Did you ever wonder what Emily Post would have to say to worship leaders? Well, wonder no more! Kory Pence gives us the 7 Social Rules of Engagement for Worship Leaders.
What would worshipping “unplugged” this Sunday expose about those things on which we depend for worship? I recently asked worship leaders from around the nation to consider this question.
If you’re leading a ministry, worship service, or creative team then you’ve been in the driver’s seat at the intersection of worship and design. These five feedback questions from Kory Pence can help navigate feedback in a variety of contexts, including worship design.