1. Raniero Cantalamessa, Come, Creator Spirit: Meditations on the Veni Creator (Liturgical Press, 2003)
This book is one of the finest treatments of the Holy Spirit and is structured as commentary on an ancient prayer, “Veni Creator.” It is packed with theological insight, but even better, nearly every line invites the reader to pause, reflect, and ultimately enter in worship. The formative power of this book is equal to its theological insight, and so its accomplishments are unmatched.
2. Gordon Fee, Paul, the Spirit and the People of God (Baker Academic, 1994)
Gordon Fee has done a remarkable job in condensing his scholarly volume God’s Empowering Presence and making it highly accessible for all kinds of readers. What you’ll find here is a rich biblical theology of the Spirit based on Paul’s teachings. He makes a compelling case based on careful exegesis of Scripture.
3. Clark Pinnock, Flame of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit (InterVarsity Press, 1997)
This is a great treatment of what we know about the Holy Spirit in a comprehensive way. Pinnock attempts to systematize the doctrine—so you will find a variety of topics covered, including engagement with theological and philosophical thought from other theologians. He also touches on some of the more controversial issues.
4. Craig Keener, The Gift and the Giver: The Holy Spirit for Today (Baker Academic, 2001)
Keener here has surveyed the breadth of biblical data to help readers understand what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit. He interacts with a variety of biblical passages and touches on all of the important issues, including charismatic and pentecostal concerns. You’ll also find helpful personal stories which help illustrate what experiencing the Spirit may look like in the Church and in personal lives.
5. Terry Wardle, Untamed Christian Unleashed Church: The Extravagance of the Holy Spirit in Life and Ministry (Leafwood, 2010)
Wardle laments that our church meetings and mission have become “tame” by excluding the Spirit’s work from our church life. He draws on personal experience and Scripture to challenge readers to be open to what the Spirit might want to do through the Church if we let Him. Many of his insights will have immediate practical application.
3 Responses
Thank you for the recommendation for Come, Creator Spirit. I ordered it and am thoroughly mesmerized in the study. I am a UM clergy, and appreciate your efforts.