What if I don’t desire to pray? Many people walk through seasons of spiritual dryness—some longer, some shorter—where the desire to commune with God has all but disappeared. The root of this may be profound—trauma, pain, general disappointment over circumstances, or simple loss of a praying appetite.
But the awareness of this deficiency remains as a signal that God is still present, ever working on the human heart. Much like the dialogue Jesus had with the epileptic son in Mark 9:24 (“I believe; help my unbelief!”), we can be honest about where we are and invite God into that space.
In this Seven Minute Seminary episode, Dr. David Thomas offers consolation and encouragement to those who acknowledge a waning appetite for prayer.
If you are experiencing spiritual dryness, we invite you to pray this aloud as a first step to spiritual awakening:
Father, I confess that I do not desire to pray. Please help me in this desire. I want to desire to commune with you more, in ever-deepening spiritual awakening and renewal. Amen.
Are you interested in meeting with a group of other people who are hungry for spiritual awakening in our hearts, homes, churches, and cities? Join us at New Room Conference every September.