
Article Archives

Author: Andrew Dragos

12 Practical Tips for First Year Seminary Students

You’ve finally made it to seminary. Now what? This place is different than any place you have been, the journey unknown. You may find yourself in need of some solid advice from someone who has gone before you. Andrew Dragos offers 12 practical tips for first year seminary students. This solid advice will serve you well in the coming years.

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Seven Quick Facts about the Ascension of Jesus

Why do we celebrate Ascension Day on Sunday instead of Thursday? What does Jesus’ ascension to the right hand of the Father accomplish, and what biblical texts address this important doctrine? Read more today from Andrew Dragos in this 7 Quick Facts series.

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7 Quick Facts about Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage has quickly become the presenting moral issue that divides our culture. The US Supreme Court will soon offer a ruling on whether or not states can ban gay marriage. Read up on 7 facts related to gay marriage in today’s article by Andrew Dragos.

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7 Quick Facts Related to Earth Day

Earth Day is held one day a year, on April 22, to promote environmental awareness. But how should Christians respond? In today’s article, Andrew Dragos shares 7 quick facts related to earth day and what the Bible has to say about creation care.

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Who Was Saint Patrick?

Who was Saint Patrick, the Apostle of the Irish? On Saint Patrick’s day, Andrew Dragos offers a biographical sketch of Patrick’s life and work, hitting important themes like his captivity, call to ministry, visions and dreams, theology, and legacy.

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7 Quick Facts about the Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is the biggest sports event in American culture. Regularly drawing in over 100 million viewers, a lot of money and energy is spent on making this event happen. Read 7 quick facts about this cultural phenomenon via Andrew Dragos.

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7 Quick Facts about Christmas

What are the origins of Christmas? What are the facts about the nativity story? Where did the Christmas tree come from? How did the tradition of Santa Claus come about? In today’s article, Andrew Dragos shares 7 quick facts about Christmas to help us get the story straight.

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Small Group Studies for the New Year

The new year is almost upon us, and whether choosing curriculum for small groups in the new year or fresh studies for personal use, here Andrew Dragos provides background for 3 new resources from Seedbed that are worth considering for any and all of these purposes.

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