The Practicality of Prayer through Pastoral Transitions
Are you in vocational ministry? You probably know all about transition! Roger Brown offers wisdom on praying your way through difficult times.
Are you in vocational ministry? You probably know all about transition! Roger Brown offers wisdom on praying your way through difficult times.
So, you’re looking at appointment season with hope in your heart. You are ready to move on to something bigger and better? Robert Kaylor helps us take a moment to stop and evaluate why we are ready to leave the church we are in and whether our motives are truly healthy for us.
Immigrants are thrust into a new culture and a different way of life, often with no preparation. How can we be desperately needed friends to the strangers in our lands? Karen Vine shares the joy of opening doors to new people.
As soon as your children become adults and leave home, you stand there thinking, “What now?” Heather Butler shares her transition into having an adult child leave for college, and how grace helps her walk through that transition.
What does a person really need when they are walking through a dark time? Duke Walker shares wisdom that faith-filled depression is better than pseudo-holy hope. Christian faith in the midst of depression is a faith that is grounded in the unchanging nature of God. This is the faith that walks through the valley with the knowledge that God goes with us. To hope for anything else is idolatry and contributes to the depth of despair rather than lifting one out of it.
Going to college can be one of the toughest transitions people will ever go through in life. College ministries are on the front lines, being the hands and feet of Christ for students and caring for their souls. Patricia Taylor shares her experience serving on a weekend mission at the Wesley Foundation on the University of Kentucky campus.
It is becoming eminently clear that the face of Christianity in the West is changing drastically. Keeping up with this Post-Christian context will mean adapting our missiology to fit the need. Kirk Sims shares some things he has learned through changes in evangelism and mission in his context in Europe.
Dr. Don Demaray talks lightheartedly about non-retirement, writing, needing people, and his new-found love of dogs.
In the day of social media, all it takes to make a “friend” is the click of a button. But, what does it mean to have a true friendship that is healthy, strong, and makes space for the other to walk through life with you? Boundaries can facilitate that kind of relationship. Ellen Martin shares four reasons why boundaries are vitally important to building and sustaining healthy friendships.
The struggle is real! We all go through trials. Some seem to have more than others sometimes, but we all have the opportunity to choose whether we will be formed or deformed by our most difficult experiences in life. Our friend, Andrew Eberhart, shares some of the most harrowing trials he has experienced and five key things he has learned through it all.
It is difficult to come to terms with aging in our anti-aging culture. Media and society promote youth. Kathy Milans shares her own key to celebrating a healthy (and mature) body and sound mind.
Today, the Soul Care Collective presents our weekly Aging and Spirituality video, featuring Dr. Don Demaray’s thoughts on retirement and the theology of tea.