

Video Archive

Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Why Christians Worship the Trinity

Christian worship should seek to bring us into a formative encounter with the Holy Trinity, and to ensure that this happens, we ought to occasionally reflect on the faithfulness of our worship to biblical revelation. In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Lester Ruth offers some provocative advice pastors and worship designers.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

What Are the Lost Gospels?

What are the lost Gospels? How about the Gospel of Thomas? In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Bill Mounce explains how the Gospel of Thomas and other New Testament Apocryphal texts were written later in the second century and were never considered to be authentic texts.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Sexuality and Spirituality

In this Seven Minute Seminary, Debra Hirsch wonders, where have all the sexy Christians gone? Why has sexuality become such a taboo subject in the church? Sexuality needs to be embraced, celebrated, and properly grounded in a holistic, biblical vision of sex and gender that honors God and offers good news to the world.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

How Evangelism Relates to Discipleship

How does evangelism relate to discipleship? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Andrew C. Thompson explains that Christian evangelism goes beyond proclamation and should be understood as a rite of initiation and entering into the means of grace.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

What Is the Apocrypha?

What is the Apocrypha? Why is the Protestant Bible shorter than the Catholic Bible? Should these books be considered inspired by God? In this Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. Bill Mounce answers these questions and more.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Why Christians Take Communion

Why do Christians take communion? In this Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. Robert Stamps explains what happens at communion and why it’s so important for Christians to regularly celebrate the Eucharist. He suggests that it has more to do with what happens to us than what happens to the elements.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

How to Do Personal Evangelism

What should evangelism look like in the 21s century? In this Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. Kimberly Reisman explains that though evangelism is always contextual, it can and should be defined by our posture before others. She proposes the posture of embrace and explains how this relates to God’s work in evangelism.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Understanding Jesus’ Genealogy

What’s the point of including genealogies in the Bible? Why are they included in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and what’s the reason for some of the differences in them? In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Craig Keener explains the function of Jesus’ genealogies.

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What Was the First Christmas Like?

What was the first Christmas really like? When did the Magi visit Jesus, and how about the shepherds? In this video, Dr. Craig Keener shares historical background that illumines the Christmas story found in the Gospels. He reveals how the Gospels choose to contrast the powerful with the weak and the illuminating parallels between Jesus and Caesar Augustus.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Can We Trust the Bible?

Can we trust the Bible? In this Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. Bill Mounce responds to the notion, made popular in recent years by writers like Bart Ehrman, that the Greek manuscripts of the Bible are too different to provide reliable testimony concerning its claims.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Did the Exodus Happen?

Did the exodus happen? In this Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. John Oswalt explains reasons to believe the event was in fact a historical reality. He focuses on three questions: 1) Does it matter whether the exodus was a historical event? 2) What is the difference between “historical” and history? 3) What do we learn from the exodus?

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Is Advent in the Bible?

Is Advent in the Bible? In this Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. John Oswalt explains how the Old Testament’s story about promise, tragedy, and hope all point to the highly anticipated Messiah, and which serves as a unifying thread from Genesis to Malachi.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

How Should Christians Read the Psalms?

How should Christians read the Psalms? In this video, Dr. Brent A. Strawn reminds us to slow down, observe features like parallelism, metaphor and imagery, and remember that each psalm is only a snapshot view of God and the world. By respecting their genre as poetry, we may be able to engage this spiritual resource in a richer way.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

How Does Prophecy Work?

How does prophecy work? Does it tell us in detail the timing of key future events? In this Seven Minute Seminary episode, Dr. Ben Witherington explains the difference between “forth-telling” and “foretelling,” and suggests that God reveals enough about the future to give us hope, but not enough to not require faith in our every day lives.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Brent A. Strawn answers, providing the archaeological background and historical details that make this what some have called the discovery of the century.

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When Bible Study is Dangerous

Satan is very comfortable with having people love the Bible and not love God. In this video, Dr. Bill Mounce suggests that we approach the Bible in order to love God more, not to just gain information. He suggests we followup each study with the questions, “What do you learn about God, and what do you learn about yourself and others?”

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Why Does Doctrine Matter?

Why does doctrine matter? In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. William Abraham explains that, contrary to popular belief, doctrine doesn’t stand in opposition to personal spiritual experience, nor Christian humanitarian action in the world. Rather, it is the vital task of articulating who the God is that we encounter in the gospel.

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