
The Holy Spirit Saves us Through and Through

The Holy Spirit Saves us Through and Through

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The Holy Spirit comes to make us holy, by making us know and feel the reality of God through His Son Jesus Christ. (J. I. PACKER)

A fire assay is the fascinating process of analyzing the composition of a substance. Fire assays are most often used to test metals, ores, or alloys to determine the amount of impurity found in the substance. If you have an object that looks like gold and you are wondering what the percentage of gold versus scrap metal is in the object, you could employ a metallurgist (a scientist who is an expert in extracting, purifying, and fabricating metal) to perform a fire assay.

During the purity testing, the object is placed in a crucible, mixed with several chemicals, and then put in an extremely hot furnace. The super heating of the chemicals causes lead to be formed throughout the crucible. As the lead droplets form, they extract all the precious metals from the substance and together they sink to the bottom of the crucible. Above the molten lead is liquid glass, or slag that is full of the impurities.

The contents of the crucible are poured into a cone-shaped mold and allowed to cool. Once that cooling is complete, the slag is thrown away, leaving a lead “button” behind. This button is placed in a cupel, which is a solid cylinder of bone ash. The sample is then placed back in the furnace under extreme heat. At this point, the cupel absorbs the lead, leaving behind the precious metal in the form of small beads. Metallurgy experts say that a fire assay is labor intensive and time-consuming, but it is the best technique to assure the most exacting results.

We are given a right relationship with God through the work of Christ Jesus. This is purely a gift of grace that we instantly receive by faith. But the process of conforming us into the image of Christ takes time. Intense heat may be required for the dross of our life to be removed. This purification may not always be pleasant or painless, but it accomplishes an eternal purpose. It has been noted that a silversmith knows that the purification process is complete when he sees his own image in the object being refined.

According to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you. (1 PETER 1:2)

God’s will for us is to be sanctified through and through.

Grace began our relationship with God and grace will see our salvation through to completion.

Sozo: save; deliver; make whole, spirit, soul, and body

We all have two inherent desires:

acceptance—to be loved just as we are; and

growth—to grow, change, and get better We can rest completely in our justification and still labor diligently in our sanctification.

Don’t reduce holiness to just mean moral behavior.

The Holy Spirit can sanctify us through:

» Scripture;

serving (work and worship come from the same root word, evid);

small, strong relationships; and



Are you saved?


What is an area of your life that is in need of sanctification?

Do you have a small, trusted group where you can be completely honest about your sin and encounter the sanctifying grace of Christ?


Abba, we trust that You will finish the good work You began in us and will see it through to completion on the day of Christ’s return. Root us deeply in Your love so that we will be responsive when You reveal the places in us that are not whole. Holy Spirit, may we partner with You in glad submission, yielded to Your sanctifying grace at work in us this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Did you enjoy this entry? Rica McRoy will be one of the guests in the upcoming How to Experience the Holy Spirit course starting on July 25, 2022. Our hope is that together, we will:

  • Deepen our understanding of the person, presence, and power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of awakened believers
  • Unite and conform our expectations of the Holy Spirit’s work to the purposes manifest in the person of Jesus Christ, the image of God
  • Ground our spiritual experiences of God’s Spirit in the biblical framework for the Spirit’s divine purposes in our lives and in the world

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