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Halloween is a Christian Holy-Day

What are the origins of Halloween? As with other holidays, Halloween seems to have a mixture of both pagan and Christian origins. Watch this Seven Minute Seminary from Ben Witherington III suggesting ways we can engage with culture at this critical holiday.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Racial Reconciliation and the Gospel

Much has changed in America since 1963 when Martin Luther King’s prophetic rang from the Birmingham jail. At the same time, many things remain the same. Watch this Seven Minute Seminary by Lisa Yebuah to learn more about race as a gospel issue.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Is Sin Essential to the Human Experience?

Is sin essential to what it means to be human? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary video, Matt O’Reilly reminds us that Jesus—as fully God and fully man—is who defines our humanity, and argues that our journey to holiness is indeed what it means to become fully human like Jesus.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Christians and the Means of Grace

The means of grace are discipleship practices that we draw from the biblical witness. Watch this Seven Minute Seminary video as Dr. Andrew C. Thompson explains critical paths to spiritual formation and discipleship.

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Will Our Heavenly Bodies Be Immaterial?

Contrary to how some read 1 Corinthians 15, the spiritual body is about source of empowerment, not quality of material. Watch this Seven Minute Seminary video from Ben Witherington III as he critiques views on the spiritual body that pass over the resurrection.

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The Doctrine of Sin Matters

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the solution for human sinfulness, and the Holy Spirit was given to eradicate sin from our lives. Watch today’s Seven Minute Seminary video from Matt O’Reilly on why the doctrine of sin matters and three resulting pastoral implications.

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Who Can be Called by God?

What does it mean to be called by God, and is it only pastors and missionaries who can be called? Watch today’s Seven Minute Seminary with Dwight Gibson from Acton Institute to learn about how all work can be done for the glory of God.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

When the Church Lives in Exile

What happens when the church loses its privileged place in its host culture? What should we make of Jesus praying for us to be “in” but not “of” the world? Watch this Seven Minute Seminary with Dr. Stephen J. Grabill of the Acton Institute as he suggests 3 mistaken ways the church should avoid engaging with culture.

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Seedbed - Seven Minute Seminary

Why Studying the Greek Biblical Text Is Worth Your Time

The Bible was originally written primarily in two languages, Hebrew and Greek, because these were the cultures that God worked through to covenant with his people. Watch this Seven Minute Seminary with Dr. Bill Mounce as he discusses the usefulness of familiarizing ourselves with the biblical Greek.

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The Genius of Wesleyan Small Groups

Both John Wesley and George Whitefield won thousands of converts to Christ in the 18th century, leading to a great revival of the church. But Whitefield often relied on Wesley to organize and offer spiritual oversight to new converts. Watch Dr. Ryan Danker explain how this phenomenon and the flexibility of John Wesley’s ministry to meet the spiritual needs of the day contributed to renewal in the church.

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What Does Henri Nouwen Have to Do with John Wesley?

John Wesley was an 18th century Anglican minister, Henri Nouwen a 20th century catholic priest. What could the two possibly have in common? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, watch Dr. Michael J. Christensen discuss the profound parallels between Catholic spiritual direction and Wesleyan class meetings, bands, and societies.

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Why Did 18th Century England Need a Spiritual Awakening?

It may be hard to understand the message and reception of John Wesley’s ministry in the 18th century if you don’t know the back-story. In today’ Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Ryan Danker offers insights into the political, religious, and social climate before England experienced its spiritual awakening.

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Christians Should Practice Hospitality by Welcoming the Stranger

The biblical mandate is clear—the people of God should be welcoming the stranger, even when it’s risky and uncomfortable, because in doing so, they are welcoming God. In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Amy Oden shares about this essential Christian practice as its woven throughout Scripture and in early Christian tradition.

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Are the New Testament Manuscripts Reliable?

Are the New Testament manuscripts reliable, or are they full of so many errors and discrepancies that they should not be trusted for the good news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, renowned Greek scholar Dr. Bill Mounce discusses the nature of biblical manuscripts, what errors we know do exist, and what bearing this has on the reliability of the Bible.

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Is the Mainline in Decline?

Is the Mainline in decline? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary video, Dr. Ted Campbell reminds us that though the membership numbers appear to shrinking, there are followers of Christ in the historic Protestant churches who worship together and faithfully live as the body of Christ.

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The Problem of Bible Proof-texting

It is said that you can make the Bible say almost anything you want it to say. In this series of Seven Minute Seminary videos, Dr. Craig Keener walks us through a number of biblical passages that are often ripped out of context and forced to say something the Bible never intended to say. He then illuminates their meaning by simply paying careful attention to the context.

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