Should the church ordain women? In today’s Seven Minute Seminary, Ben Wayman responds to common objections that would limit ordination to men. He argues that this is a core issue for the church, and shouldn’t be relegated to “women’s issues.”
Get B. T. Roberts’ newest edition of Ordaining Women (Wipf and Stock, 2015), edited by Dr. Benjamin D. Wayman.
[WATCH] A Seven Minute Seminary episode by Gary Hoag in which he uses historical information to shed light on Paul’s instruction for women to be silent in churches; [READ] Craig Keener offers a lengthy explanation of Paul’s instructions regarding women, noting their occasional character; [WATCH] A Seven Minute Seminary by Ben Witherington, where he offers more helpful historical background that is critical to properly interpreting these problem passages (Part 1 & Part 2); [WATCH] Bill Arnold and Ben Witherington tackle the delicate question of whether the New Testament can serve as a reliable guide to ethics.
Each month we will publish a new profile that highlights a woman’s unique contribution to the kingdom of God, with the chance to order a t-shirt designed especially for this series. Use the hashtag #SHEPREACHESGOSPEL to showcase where you’re wearing your apparel, or to honor and highlight the work of women in spreading the gospel throughout the world. Read the introduction to the series here. See Phoebe Palmer’s profile here.
3 Responses
Why do we keep doing this. The Bible is the authority. Paul is speaking about a church service — how it should be conducted. Women and men being equal is not speaking about being a pastor, it is speaking about salvation.
Super. I liked. B.T Roberts approach is good.
The very last statement you make Mr Wayman is foolish. “Scripture should not be used in the argument.” Than don’t read the Bible. Without scripture there is no Gospel. Moreover scripture teaches us to do just that in 2 Timothy 3:16,17-All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Also there is 1 Timothy 3 that outlines the requirements for a Pastor/Bishop first on the list Husband of one wife. What is BT Roberts explanation for this scripture?